Hi there everyone, Carmen here.
I want to take this opportunity to let you all know we are with you every step of the way through this dam Coronavirus, this word is becoming so well-known its now accepted in my autocorrect… I’m following trend and referring to it as Rona. Is that you Rona f**king up my wedding plans! Never fear SCPUW is here!
Adapting, rescheduling, still working and supporting.
With the recent government restrictions in place some of our weddings have had to postpone. We feel for you the countdown was on, everything was in place, the thought of postponing made you feel disappointed, we all shed so many tears but behind scenes its business as usual for us (with team members working from home as we've moved into an online work environment) we’ve worked tirelessly with these couples arranging postponements. One couple brought their wedding forward and had an intimate elopement that we arranged in less than 24 hours – lucky we have all our meetings and legalities completed well in advance.
I’m happy to say we have successfully rescheduled all our effected weddings to later in the year and some into 2021. Stay positive. You are not postponing your love for each other you are postponing your wedding date.
If you want to secure us for your wedding, then please get in touch. We now have very limited spots left for 2020 and in fact just took two bookings last week. As a result we have now opened 2021 dates.
Let us reassure you when we get on the flip side of this and we will, we cannot wait to go back to normal - face to face pre wedding consultations, greeting you at the bridal car, helping you with your bouquet (remember flower to your flower), adjusting your veil, calming your nerves before the bridal entrance, witnessing the vows, the rings and the kiss and coordinating your photos. We will be there with you every step of the way!!! Rona hasn’t changed our end goal of delivering you a stress-free wedding; what it has shown is the importance of being supported by a great wedding team.
When you go through such a trying time it makes you appreciate things differently, when your wedding day does come around you will be thankful for it so much more because of the journey you have had.
In such a social world isolation feels a little strange at the moment, please stay connected, stay safe and stay well. We’ll be adding value to this crazy time though our social media channels stay tuned!
Here for you,
Carmen and crew xx